Friday, March 1, 2013

First Post!

Welcome to my new blog about Magic the Gathering.  I first started playing Magic when I was in college about 18 years ago.  Flash forward to 2011, I had a few friends who were playing, so I bought a couple of intro decks and some boosters to try to re-introduce the game to myself.  The basic mechanics were still the say, there were new keywords, I don't recall having so many phases, but I never played competitively, just hanging at the local comics shop.  We all got together and played a few games, then we did a Two-Headed Giant game.  This was totally new to me, Two-Headed Giant (often abbreviated 2HG or THG) is a multiplayer format in which teams of two people each face each other. This format is unique in the fact that players take actions as a team instead of individually.  Then late in 2011, I relocated from Arkansas to Texas, and after getting internet and TV, you take the next logical nerd step, you find your local Comics Shop!  Upon locating the closest one to me, I asked if they participated in Friday Night Magic, and was told they do indeed.  So I started going and have been trying to make it there every week.  This is also a great way to meet new people if your new to an area or just don't have a lot of friends to play (Magic) with.

So that all being said, welcome to the new blog, I will try to keep you updated weekly as I get out and play FNM.  We can discuss deck tech (something I wish I was better at), tournament, new combos, cards and the like. 

I hope you will stick around and become a vocal part of the blog, and I will do my best to keep you updated/entertained.


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  1. Just found your blog and I'm a fan. I started playing MTG when I was 18 (19 yrs ago) and just got back in. I look forward to reading everything! :)

    1. Very glad to hear your liking it. How did you find the blog, if I may ask.

  2. G+ MTG Community. Saw a post from you there.
